
Letters to the Editor: Gavin Newsom needs to give Latinos reasons to save him in the recall election

Gov. Gavin Newsom greets campaign volunteers at Hecho en Mexico restaurant in El Sereno on Aug. 14.
(Los Angeles Times)

To the editor: The 2020 election proved a key point that Gustavo Arellano made in his column about Latinos and the upcoming recall election — that when energized, Latinos will reward campaigns that pay attention to their quality-of-life needs and dedicate resources to turn out their vote.

But I disagree with the overhyped concern that Latinos could play a key role in recalling the governor.

The danger is not how they will vote, but if they will vote. Latinos were decisive in getting Joe Biden into the White House because the public health, economic, environmental and immigration stakes were clear.


Candidates who want the Latino vote need to invest in outreach that makes them feel included in a vision of a prosperous future. In a state where Latinos represent the plurality, victory is no longer possible if a key demographic isn’t incentivized to vote.

Paul Barragan-Monge, Los Angeles

The writer is director of mobilization for the UCLA Latino Policy and Politics Initiative.


To the editor: Members of the Latino community, including most of my constituents, appreciate Newsom’s attention to farmworker issues and the needs of immigrant families. We support his work to provide free lunches to all kids in California, address homelessness and expand broadband access. He has made public health a priority in the face of the worst healthcare crisis in our lives, and he appointed the first Latino U.S. senator in the state’s history.

There are no saints holding office, and God forbid we get as our governor an inexperienced, climate- and COVID-19-denying leader who doesn’t make public health the priority.


Many recall candidates have no respect or understanding of what essential workers do to keep California’s economy going. Newsom does.

Recalling Newsom could lead to chaos and instability, which would hurt Latinos and all Californians.

Carmen Ramirez, Oxnard

The writer is a member of the Ventura County Board of Supervisors.
