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As officials rush to remove barriers to rebuilding fire-ravaged communities, are they passing up a rare opportunity to craft a new vision for Los Angeles?
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New laws taking effect in the new year will affect Hollywood actors, social media stars, chatty motorists and more.
Jesse Tyler Ferguson says he made the ‘rookie move’ of buying his kids’ Halloween costumes too early; ‘I fell into that trap.’
The Rams are trying to pick up their practice pace ahead of their season opener in Detroit, but triple-digit temperatures in SoCal are making that difficult.
Michael Brown’s death was the catalyst for massive change starting in Ferguson, Mo.
Donald Trump failed to stay on message as he gave what his campaign had promised would be a major economic address in North Carolina.
The A’s will play in Sacramento for three seasons starting next year. The heat was so extreme last week that a nearby minor league team started games at 10 a.m.
“Her trauma, it’s nearly claustrophobic and weighs you down, which I tried to embody in her when people get too close. It’s like this injection of fear,” the actor says of her Apple TV+ series.
Contact in the Desert melds a fascination with Ufology, esoteric spirituality, government conspiracy, alt-celebrity culture and a bit of self-awareness.