
Creative alternatives to the usual Christmas pine

Downsizing your holidays? This season, the space- and budget-challenged have a host of clever alternative trees. Artware Editions has teamed with painter Fred Tomaselli, a pioneer of downtown L.A.’s art scene in the early days of punk rock, to create a die-cut vinyl sticker ($100), left, available through For annual reuse, the firm recommends pinning the 6-foot-tall, 17-inch-wide tree to the wall. For minimalists, three sheets of jigsaw-cut wood pieces, bottom right, slide together to form an 18 1/2 -inch Scandinavian fir ($35) at Yolk in Silver Lake, (323) 660-4315, Clockwise from top right: Urban Outfitters, www.urban, has an LED spruce made from computer motherboards ($7.99), a grow-your-own 8-inch Chia Pet-style tree ($9.99) and a 6-inch tree that plugs into a USB port and changes colors ($10). Film director Ty Arnold created the Tytree, a 20-inch acrylic conical stand that comes with colorful plastic ornaments that cast festive silhouettes ($320). It’s at Zero Minus Plus at Fred Segal in Santa Monica, (310) 395-5718,

-- David A. Keeps
