
A hotel cleanliness checklist and an unappealing menu at LAX

Petrossian Caviar & Champagne Bar at LAX may be too fancy for some travelers.
(Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)

I liked the column in the Travel section [“Here’s a Closer Look at the Hotel Inspection Process,” On the Spot by Catharine Hamm, Nov. 25] about hotel inspections. I used to travel a lot and understand that housekeeping personnel are always under a great deal of pressure to do their job well and completely. Thus, the explanation of what AAA does was very informative.

The information is a great checklist for us travelers to use to inspect a room upon arrival and/or where to use our anti-bacterial wipes (or whatever else) to help prevent getting germs from previous guests.

Larry Ishii


Cheap eats at LAX

I must be in the minority, but when I am at LAX I want only a quick, cheap something to eat, not a high-priced experience that would be better in a lower-stress environment [“Elevated Eating at LAX,” by Mary Forgione, Nov. 18]. I miss the McDonald’s in Terminal 7. Breakfast there was my rare indulgence of fast food. Now the choice in T7 is an expensive bagel or a walk to Terminal 8 for Carl’s Jr.


There are all sorts of great restaurants in the international terminal, but airlines generally serve a meal on such flights. I want to spend my money when I get to my destination, not on a local meal.

The only choice for a quick, simple bite is an egg thing at Starbucks.

Also, what about that $3 water? If LAX is trying to enhance the terminal experience, what about $1 water kiosks and Wi-Fi in all areas, especially the Terminal B baggage claim.

Harlan Levinson

Los Angeles

Medical transit

Shame on the New Jersey ambulance company telling Kate Neiswender that it is not responsible for charges [“Free for $937,” Letters, Nov. 18]. As described, it is benefiting from “similar stories all the time” that their patients do not expect to be charged for medical attention transportation.


Seems like its ambulance drivers’ “silence is golden.”

John Loggins

Rancho Palos Verdes

‘Fake’ gin joint

I can’t believe the Travel section wasted newsprint and ink for an article about a fake Rick’s in Casablanca, Morocco [“We’ll Always Have Rick’s,” by Bob Drogin, Nov. 11]. What a disservice to any reader who loves to travel and see interesting historical places around the world.

Even if this had been the actual Rick’s from the movie “Casablanca,” it still wouldn’t have been worth an article. This was a fake that opened more than 60 years after the film opened.

To make matters worse, the article encourages readers to spend $286 a night on a Sofitel hotel in Casablanca when $70 a night will get you a fantastic room in a charming Moroccan hotel in the center of the city or in one of its interesting neighborhoods.


When it comes to this particular travel piece, I must quote John McEnroe: “You cannot be serious!”

Martin Fine

West Hollywood

[email protected]

