
Letters: Ireland, California missions

Ireland: Back to the routes

I enjoyed Rosemary McClure’s article on Ireland [“Road Paved in Myth, Magic,” March 16]. It reminded me of our similar trip to Ireland several years ago. However, instead of a GPS, she should have purchased a Michelin map of Ireland before her trip.

The map was invaluable in our travels and did not fail us.

--Terry Marshall, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii

In her few pages laced with self-denigration, to which she is evidently oblivious, McClure provides abundant evidence that it is not the Irish driver who is “maniacal.”

She observes that “St. Pat may have cast the snakes out of Ireland, but he didn’t do anything to improve highway safety.” But she could have by indulging in her wish to be “ensconced on a giant Gray Line tour bus piloted by an Irish driver.”


--Brian Patrick Lane, San Clemente

Missions he’ll readily accept

I really enjoyed Geoff Boucher’s piece on the trip to the missions [“Mission Project: Not Bad, Dad,” March 16]. Over the years I have been to many of them from Sonoma to San Diego. La Purisima has always been my favorite, followed by San Juan Bautista.

--Jerry West, Gold River, Canada
