
Letters: finding cheap tickets, train to San Simeon

Try box office for cheap tickets

I agree with nine out of Jane Engle’s 10 tips for saving money [“London on the Cheap (Or Cheaper),” More for Your Money, Dec. 30]. Her No. 10 (on the TKTS ticket booth at Leicester Square) is one I wouldn’t follow. After my first trip to the booth, I realized theaters were releasing their most expensive tickets in the least desirable locations. A better bargain is to purchase a balcony ticket at the theater’s box office

--Tom Batsis, North Hollywood

Amtrak goes to San Simeon too

Unfortunately, there have been many instances where the Los Angeles Times promotes a popular domestic travel destination and yet fails to suggest Amtrak as a means of “getting there.”

The feature on San Simeon is a case in point [“Behind These Castle Walls,” Dec. 30]. Amtrak provides wonderful rail packages to Hearst Castle.


Let’s not let our rail system eventually become something we can only talk about.

--Mike Ziegler, Laguna Niguel

A pitch for new camping policy

Amy Hubbard’s words should not be taken lightly [“Wisps of Magic in Carpinteria,” Down and Dirty, Dec. 23]. She is correct that “parking lot” camping is the worst.

The state park system should be ashamed of itself for developing such horrible sites in the name of serving more visitors.

--Ken Harrison, Cardiff by the Sea
