
Doggie lullabie keeps your dog calm

Los Angeles Times Staff Writer

Now you can use music to soothe your not-so-savage beast in the car. A book titled “Through a Dog’s Ear: Using Sound to Improve the Health and Behavior of Your Canine Companion” comes with a 45-minute starter CD. Other CDs are being released.

Do they work? For my dog, the answer is yes. Darby, my 5-year-old Wheaton terrier, usually dances around in the back seat when we travel, whining while bouncing from window to window looking for cool stuff outside. But when I played “Dog’s Ear” classical-music CDs, he took a nap. The authors are Joshua Leeds, a psychoacoustics expert, and Susan Wagner, a veterinary neurologist. The book costs $18.95; hourlong CDs cost $14.95 each.
