
Letters: Applause for Susan Spano, on Rome

A good writer on the roam

I love to travel, and I love to read Susan Spano. As the world shrinks, Susan’s ability to describe the offbeat and quirky makes even the most jaded destinations worth taking a second look.

--Mackay Crampton, Ojai

The L.A. Times is to be commended for treating readers to the work of Spano. Her splendid presentation on the city of Rome [“Home, Sweet Rome,” June 1] was thoroughly researched, as always, and a joy to those who have been enriched by time spent in that city. An additional valuable guidebook is “O Roma Felix.”

--Bill Patterson, Palm Desert

I really enjoyed Spano’s list of books and movies that she recommends for someone to read/view before a trip to Rome [“Swords, Sandals, a Motor Scooter”].


I take about 100 students a year to Rome as part of my art history classes that I teach in Manhattan Beach. I show several of the movies that she recommends. (And, yes, 12th-graders still love watching “Roman Holiday,” even the boys!)

--John Mellis, Redondo Beach

I’ve always loved reading of Spano’s travels and dreamed while she took me places. I finally am going to Rome for the first time, and her article was just wonderful for me. A friend moved over there about three or four years ago and lives right in the city. He loves it there. So I get to have the same experience Spano is having. I can hardly wait.

--Mary Ann LaVasseur, Malibu

For more responses to Spano’s article, go to

Getting on the Laughlin track

The Laughlin article by Jay Jones [“It’s Poker and Petroglyphs Too,” June 1] was actually kind of relaxing because of the way he painted the laid-back portrait of this gambling river town in relation to its big brother to the northwest. Because of Jay’s article, my next trip to Nevada will be the lazy river town of Laughlin.


--Bill Spitalnick, Newport Beach

It’s the hoisting that’s tough

Traveling with one bag [“Fees Weighing You Down? Lighten Up,” Travel Insider, June 1] is the best idea for air travel, except when you have to lift it to an overhead bin.

I travel often and usually alone and know not to expect assistance with placing my luggage up there. That carry-on bag gets mighty heavy with even a week’s worth of clothes and travel necessities, even when I work to find truly lightweight luggage. I always appreciate assistance from a volunteer but surely don’t feel that can be expected today.

I’d happily pay a flight attendant for assistance rather than check my luggage; maybe there’s a new idea.


--Lynn Blumberg, Northridge
