
Toys on the go: Kiddies in car? Take kitties to keep them company

Special to the Los Angeles Times

You can keep the kiddies occupied while they keep the kitties occupied with Playmobil’s Take Along Pet Clinic.

The company’s popular play sets open on hinges, revealing a kind of stage set on the particular theme. In this case there’s a fully furnished and decorated two-story doll-house-like pet clinic, complete with an exam room, toy surgical equipment and monitors, recovery cages and medicine holders.

“Patients” include puppies, kittens and a bunny. The set includes a uniformed vet and lab technician and a mom and kid visiting with their injured kitty. All the pieces stash inside the “clinic,” which latches shut and has a carry handle.


Playmobil My Take Along Pet Clinic costs $39.99.
