
Chick Urges Brush Clearance Fee

Reaffirming support for a controversial brush clearance fee, Councilwoman Laura Chick said Monday that she will ask the council to restore the $13 charge, along with drafting a new letter to property owners informing them of it.

The City Council suspended the Fire Department’s brush clearance fee March 31 after an embarrassing series of events that many in City Hall believe led to the demise of the police and fire bond on last month’s ballot.

The Fire Department sent a letter to 180,000 property owners demanding the $13 fee, but it received widespread criticism. As a result, the department sent an apology letter, telling property owners to postpone paying the fee until more details could be worked out. In all, Fire Department officials say they spent about $140,000 on those two mailings.


On Monday, Fire Department officials said they have drafted a new letter that the council will probably review Friday.

After hearing from a few property owners, Chick said she will seek council support to reinstate the fee if property owners want the Fire Department to inspect their land to determine that it is adequately cleared of brush. Property owners will retain the right to inspect their own property--without paying the fee--if they show pictures of their cleared property.
