
Mitchell’s world

I’m neither a musician nor an artist, but I’m going to save Robert Hilburn’s article about Joni Mitchell [“An Art Born of Pain, an Artist in Happy Exile,” Sept. 5] to read whenever I need to renew my spirit. What a kind thing Mitchell did to let us into her world a little bit. I certainly appreciate that fact -- and Hilburn, also, for his touching and sensitive writing.

John Palos



The bone I have to pick with Joni Mitchell has to do with the fact that she carried my generation for 30 years touching on just about every aspect in life. And now she is going to stop? Now that my generation is facing all the trials and tribulations of aging, good and bad, happy sad, and the final goodbye?

Hers is the only creative mind in music, at this time, that could get the crowd to truly listen because they have experienced the subjects that Joni introduced as we all grew up and were often too busy to notice.


There is a whole subject and body of work I wish that Joni would not ignore.

Cindy Breslau

Gaithersburg, MD
