
Driving Fast Won’t Get You Anywhere if You’re Dead

The article “Our Need for Speed” (by Sanjiv Bhattacharya, Aug. 29) was interesting. No doubt some people increase their risk-tolerance threshold when they feel safer. But the simple fact after all these years is that when they don’t wear seat belts, people still fly into steering wheel columns, under dashboards, out of windows--and they die.

Among all of the engineering and behavior improvements over the past generation, the biggest contributor to saving thousands of lives has been increased seat belt usage. Better side-panel engineering, air bags, mandatory motorcycle helmets and reduced instances of driving under the influence are among other significant lifesaving factors.

These days my officers see more aggressive driving behavior. People need to take responsibility for their own lives, the lives of their passengers and the lives of other drivers and pedestrians. Slow down. Drive sober. Buckle up. Stay alive. Your risk-tolerance threshold doesn’t mean much if you’re dead or in jail.


Capt. Greg Meyer

Los Angeles Police Department

Valley Traffic Division
