
Letters: One man’s Holocaust story

Re “The sins of the father,” Opinion, May 6

What a courageous man Les Gapay is to delve into his father’s past in Hungary as a Holocaust perpetrator and share such heartbreaking revelations.

I have been completing a birthday album for my 87-year-old mother of the nightmare events she endured as a Protestant girl in Berlin during World War II. I just located and added to her album the orders by two German generals who sentenced my mother to death by hanging in March 1945. Those same orders condemned to death nearly 42,000 German boys, of whom more than 37,000 were executed by hanging and shooting over a 10-week period.


My mother is one of the lucky few who escaped the executioner’s noose, just one of so many untold stories of World War II. I stand in respect of allwho survived.

Thank you, Mr. Gapay, for sharing the sorrow in your family history.

Craig Carr

West Hills


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